Art of Monterey Bay
The stories behind what we see around us every day make places, buildings, and utensils come to life. This also applies to this project, which excels in craftsmanship and creativity.
Fuse Architects and Builders specialize in progressive modern architecture, linking their clients' needs, their relationship to design, the neighborhood, and the natural environment.

The Best Pivot Door of 2021
The winning pivot door of 2021 tells a story through the door’s environment, design, and craftsmanship. The combination of creativity, use of materials, and refinement make this pivot door a work of art that makes your heart skip a beat. The door is a true masterpiece, whereas the details are no less important nor impressive than its size.
White Oak Art
The two different colors and shapes of stained white oak on the custom entrance by Architectural Millwork and Design depict the bay in which the residence is located: dark gray for the land and light gray for the ocean.
The land on the map was textured by hand with a wire brush and other tools. The ocean side of the map is stained white oak, sanded smooth. This map of Monterey Bay, California, also shows the exact location of the door itself.
A gold-inlaid marking at the bottom of the door – a connection between design and the natural environment that tells its story on its own.
Interior of the door
The interior of the door is an aluminum frame with an aircraft wing honeycomb in the core. The door is massive in dimensions and it has a weight of 300 Kg, for this reason, FritsJurgens’ pivot hinge system was chosen. Also, Fuse Architects and Builders wanted no hardware to be seen on the floor and it became possible with FritsJurgens’ system because all the FritJurgens’ systems are embedded in the door.
Connection between house and environment
Fuse Architects and Builders: “This home sits on 16 hectares of hilltop with incredible views across the Monterey Bay. The driveway approach does not reveal this view. You do not know how impressive the view is until the pivot door is opened.
The map on the door provides a hint of what you will see. As the door opens, the entire Monterey Bay is in front of you through an 18 meter wide by 4 meters tall sliding glass window and door system.”

Design story
Daniel Townsend, Architect: “In this case, the Owners only request was that he wanted to open the front door and the glass wall and feel like he could fly through the house. We knew we had to go big. That is all he asked for. We wanted the rest to be a surprise. We did not let him see the door until it was installed. His jaw hit the floor.
My favorite part of the door is that it is not just a door. It is a moving piece of art. We have always viewed Architecture as art. Pieces like this door reinforce this.”
Work hand in hand
Fuse Architects and Builders work closely with the Architectural Millwork and Design to manufacture their doors. They feel that Architectural Millwork and Design is an extension of their business. They are involved in almost all projects designed by Fuse Architects and Builders. They support all ideas even if they seem impossible. They always find a way to make it happen. “They are truly masters at their craft”, – says Danial Townsend, architect at Fuse Architects and Builders.
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We are continuously searching for exceptional pivot door projects to help inspire others. You can help us to inspire the industry by getting featured in our Monthly Featured Projects. Please send in your pivot door project to have our team review your project.

Expert advice
If you need consultation for an upcoming project where you wish to incorporate pivot doors into the design, feel free to contact us at any time.